Our Advisors

Our Youth Ambassador Board

The mission of the Youth Ambassador Board (YAB) is to further the Steve Fund’s goal of promoting the emotional and mental health of college and university students of color across the country. YAB members work towards this goal by providing a youth perspective and experience to the organization, supporting and providing feedback on existing Steve Fund programs and initiatives, and acting as mental health ambassadors, both digitally and in-person, in their communities. YAB celebrates and encourages diversity and pledges to uphold the Steve Fund’s values of integrity and commitment to deconstructing disparities in mental health.

As a Youth Ambassador Board member, you will:

  • Join a community of the next generation of mental health advocates and leaders of color;
  • Use your insight and lived experiences to give feedback on the Steve Fund’s programs, services, and content;
  • Represent the Steve Fund in various activities such as panel discussions, media interviews, and content development;
  • Serve as a liaison to your college campus and other youth-focused organizations in your community with the goal of establishing ongoing partnerships with the Steve Fund.

Become a Youth Ambassador

Applications are now open!


  • Must be at least 18 years old by September 30, 2025.
  • Current undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at least part-time.
  • Community college and/or trade school students are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Must reside and be eligible to work in the United States.
  • All Youth Ambassador Board members must attend our virtual monthly meetings every first Tuesday of the month: 6:00-7:30 pm ET.

Applications are due April 5, 2024. Interviews for selected candidates will take place. Final decisions will be sent out no later than April 25, 2025. Mandatory orientation August 5, 2025 at 3:00pm ET.

If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns please email us at: yab@stevefund.org

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