Workforce Transitions Initiative

Young people from communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by multiple traumas of the global pandemic, economic impacts, and racial injustice. As corporations recruit and strive to retain young people of color, ensuring their mental health and emotional well-being needs to be at the forefront of leaders’ minds and actions. Creating safe spaces for consistent and open conversations and acknowledging and addressing the pernicious effects of racism and trauma are essential to achieving mental health equity. An investment in their mental health and emotional well-being as they transition from college into their early career period, is an investment in their career performance, their longevity in position and their ability to contribute to the goals of their employer. The Steve Fund has a portfolio of timely and relevant educational programs to enable you to immediately make a positive impact on the lives of young people of color.  The services we provide are powerful and culturally relevant. We work with racially and culturally diverse mental health experts with decades of experience to design and deliver programs from our portfolio or custom programming to ensure the environment is established to help young people of color thrive and achieve success. We offer three pathways of programs and services (e.g., workshops, webinars, training and technical assistance) led by racially-diverse mental health experts. 

Workshop Sessions

45-60 minutes expert led presentation with optional live Q&A

This workshop supports senior leaders in their understanding and unpacking of implicit bias, including developing strategies for recruitment and inclusion and fostering a sense of belonging for multiracial talent.
In this session, managers learn about the importance of belonging and its impact on the mental health of employees, along with strategies for creating shared connection.
In this session, managers learn about the most promising strategies for protecting employee mental health by promoting a sense of belonging, raising awareness around resources, and empowering allies and advocates.
This session discusses the unique experiences of young people of color and shares mental health and emotional well-being tools and resources for managers to respond to those needs.
In this session, participants discuss the power of allyship and learn tactics to advocate for their colleagues and be better allies to their peers.
This session aims to equip young employees to be strong allies for their Black peers and colleagues, with a particular focus on mental health and emotional well-being and the need to prioritize both.
This workshop supports employees in navigating job-related discrimination and microaggressions, and helps establish a sense of belonging in the workplace.
The series includes sessions on the history of systemic racism, how racial trauma presents in and out of the workplace, and techniques young people of color can use to cope with those experiences, along with strategies to support peers witnessing racial trauma.
This workshop looks at the mental health impacts of microaggressions and offers tips for confronting them.
This session supports young people of color in coping with stress and anxiety, non-belonging, discrimination, and racial trauma by leveraging the benefits of rest and self compassion.
This workshop offers strategies for young people of color to promote their emotional well-being and manage stress and anxiety during their internship or job searches.
In this workshop, managers learn about research-backed strategies for supporting intern well-being and promoting self care.
This session provides activities, tools, and guidance to equip leaders and managers as mentors and allies to young employees of color--both in the workplace and through professional networking.
This workshop addresses how multiple identities (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, religion/spirituality, social class, ability, nativity) impact the on-the-job experience and mental well-being for employees of color. The session focuses on how identities intersect with race and ethnicity to create challenges and strengths for employees of color.
This session supports safe spaces for mid-level employees and managers to engage in challenging discussions around diversity and mental health, without being held back by fear or desire for political correctness.
This workshop is designed to illuminate four aspects of psychological safety that are essential for supporting the mental health, wellbeing and innovation of young persons of color within an organization.
These sessions for LGBTQ employees of color focus on their unique challenges and equip them with empowerment strategies to cope with daily mental and emotional stresses in the workplace.
This session focuses on environmental challenges that are common for young people of color, including stress and anxiety, non-belonging, discrimination and racial trauma.
This session shares practical tools for managing job stress, with special attention to the issues faced by CDOs including isolation, emotional fatigue and depletion, overwhelm, burnout, and anxiety. The session provides techniques such as connecting feelings to behaviours, identifying coping skills, and connecting to peer support.
This workshop supports recruiting teams to effectively communicate the company’s DEIB values, culturally-competent offerings, and mental health support services to students and prospective recruits.
In this session, participants learn about research-based strategies to promote and protect their mental health and well-being during an internship.
This awareness building session helps managers to better understand their onboarding population.
In this session, employees learn about the company’s mental health and DEIB resources and techniques to ask for help.

Wellness Salon Sessions

45-75 minutes highly interactive wellness discussion facilitated by expert

This series brings together female employees of color to discuss the unique workplace issues they face with particular focus on their mental health and emotional well-being.
This series brings together female employees of color to discuss the unique issues they face in the workplace with particular focus on their mental health and emotional well-being. The series includes sessions such as Stories from Women of Color Series, a roundtable discussion; Responding to Racial Trauma; Building Mentors & Allies to Female Employees of Color; and a Balancing Work, Family & Home Life session.
This session shares the mindfulness- based techniques young people of color can use to cope with stress and anxiety, as well as resources and tools for identifying mental health and emotional well- being symptoms and seeking support.


40-60 minutes moderated panel of four experts with optional role for company leadership

This engagement helps leaders support high potential employees of color by providing mental health insights. Participants will benefit from tools and strategies to both engage and partner with high potential employees, in order to act as sponsors and allies.
Given the current socio-political climate, this a la carte speaker series probes global, national, and local events that impact employees.
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