
Marcia Liu Ph.D
Posted 5 months ago
Especially for BIPOC students, including those who are working class, immigrants or children of immigrants, queer, and/or students who are the first in their families to attend college, the transition to college can be a thrilling & stressful time. Approach wellness & mental health with a preventative lens & develop a routine that offers holistic, protective care.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Steve Fund
Posted 2 weeks ago
As a parent or caregiver, being intentional with how you address challenges can make a real difference in your life while also setting an example for your child or student. Thankfully, you don’t always have to always get things 100% right. Your partner and young person just need to know you’re making progress — for you and for them. Let’s look at skills that can help.
Anxiety Disorders
Belonging / Isolation
Bipolar Disorder
Depressive Disorders
Eating Disorders
Physical Health
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Prejudice and Discrimination
Psychological Distress
Suicide Prevention
Steve Fund
Posted 2 weeks ago
As a parent or caregiver, being intentional with how you address challenges can make a real difference in your life while also setting an example for your child or student. Thankfully, you don’t always have to always get things 100% right. Your partner and young person just need to know you’re making progress — for you and for them. Let’s look at skills that can help.
Anxiety Disorders
Belonging / Isolation
Bipolar Disorder
Depressive Disorders
Eating Disorders
Physical Health
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Prejudice and Discrimination
Psychological Distress
Suicide Prevention
Steve Fund
Posted 2 weeks ago
As parents or caregivers of a high school or college student, it’s not uncommon to see your student experience stress. The excitement of a new semester can wear off. As workload grows, stress and well-being challenges can increase too. Taking time to support yourself and your student can make all the difference. Here are a few tips to add to your parenting toolbox.
Anxiety Disorders
Belonging / Isolation
Bipolar Disorder
Depressive Disorders
Eating Disorders
Physical Health
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Prejudice and Discrimination
Psychological Distress
Suicide Prevention
Jessica Isom
For us as young people of color, justice is more than just a legal concept. Justice shapes your physical health and mental health. As I was becoming a young adult, I began to see more clearly where justice and injustice reside. Taking steps toward justice can enhance our sense of empowerment and control, benefiting our mental health and resilience. Here are insights and tips to help you on your journey.
Jessica Isom
Try this coloring meditation to reflect on your creativity and how you find meaning and joy in expressing yourself. Is there a favorite form of art that flows naturally for you, like music, writing, drawing, or dance? Consider how you can use your creativity to express yourself, support your well-being, inspire others, and contribute to creating a more just society.
Jessica Isom
Imagine yourself as a different person, and this person wants to support you. This other person could be a friend, family member, or mentor — or even your future self. Imagine their perspective and use these five steps to write a letter to yourself expressing why you deserve balance, how creativity can support you, and why being fair with yourself and others makes a difference to your well-being. Let’s get started.
Jessica Isom
Whether you can draw well or not, this creative exercise will take you step-by-step through a creative process designed to help you process emotions, restore balance, and support your mental health. All you need is a piece of paper, something to write and draw with, and about 20 minutes. Your creativity can lead to insights and breakthroughs and help support your mental health and well-being. Ready?
Jessica Isom
Your creativity is more than just a way to express yourself. Sometimes justice can feel elusive, especially for young people of color. But your creative energy can be a catalyst for creating change and finding balance. Your art and creativity can inspire you and others to make change while also supporting emotional well-being, resilience, and healthy choices. Let’s explore these ideas.
Jessica Isom
For young people of color, prioritizing self-care is a powerful and radical act that nurtures both individual well-being and collective resilience. As you develop your action plan for self care, take a look at these strategies and consider which can be a part of your personal journey toward mindful justice and emotional well-being.
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