
Steve Fund
15 May 2024
Realizing your own abilities is crucial and understanding your value is key.  Tally your skills, talents, and abilities to function in various roles as student, worker, and in relationships. Seek to be productive in those roles, setting goals you wish to accomplish and working towards them. Be willing to look ahead and develop a vision of what you want to see and what you want to be.
Bryon Young
27 Jun 2024
Men’s Mental Health is such a vast topic and there is so much work to be done in terms of transforming how we, as men, and masculine-identifying people approach our emotional wellness. In a world where men are often so focused on appearing strong, in control and avoiding any semblance of vulnerability, making mental health matter by challenging the tendency to perform these less than healthy behaviors in the name of masculinity is needed.
Prejudice and Discrimination
Keris Jän Myrick
09 May 2024
May is Mental Health Awareness month (and also Mother’s Day is in May) so this seems serendipitous that I should have this memory of my mom, my connection and belongingness to her and the hope she infused in me.
Carissa Cabán-Alemán
22 Apr 2024
During “Earth Month,” we are encouraged to celebrate our planet and take climate action. Beyond the April celebration, let us raise environmental consciousness, honor nature and demand the rights of ALL living beings to a hospitable home: our Mother Earth.
Delane Casiano
19 Mar 2024
Women’s History Month gives honor to women who have made great contributions in history. It also provides an opportunity to highlight contemporary women who are breaking down barriers and paving new paths for others in today’s world. We’d like to take this time during Women’s History Month to celebrate women who have served as champions for mental health.
Acculturative Stress
Belonging / Isolation
Steve Fund
12 Mar 2024
Over 1 out of 5 women experienced a mental health condition such as depression and anxiety in the past year. Women who experience abuse and trauma have an increased risk of a mental health condition like depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Women of color, who have similar rates of mental health concerns as women in the general population, face the risk of extended duration and more harmful impact than their counterparts
Acculturative Stress
Anxiety Disorders
Belonging / Isolation
Depressive Disorders
Steve Fund
13 Feb 2024
History is real. Attempts to erase the past are a distortion of reality, which is the opposite of mental health. We cannot allow ourselves to be gaslit about Black history by people who wish to sweep the painful past under the rug. We must dissect and analyze the past in order to understand it better and not revisit previous mistakes. If we don’t remember and heed our history, we will be doomed to repeat it.
Acculturative Stress
Puja Chadha M.D.
10 Jan 2024
The Steve Fund would like to offer 4 simple and realistic things that can make a difference following the holidays. Take a moment to Unplug, Set Boundaries, Practice Self-care and Self-kindness.
Steve Fund
03 Jan 2024
This conversation guide is designed to help you talk to your young person about a racially charged encounter they've experienced. It’s crucial to approach this conversation with sensitivity, openness, and a non-judgmental attitude. Your goal is to provide a safe space for your child to express their feelings, validate their experience, and offer support. Remember, you don’t need to have all the answers; being present and listening is powerful.
Steve Fund
03 Jan 2024
The Steve Fund invites you to visualize how you allocate your time and energy across different areas of your life. By understanding your “life pie”, you can make more informed decisions about where to invest your resources to create a balanced and fulfilling life after high school.
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