Courtney Lang J.D.

Courtney Lang J.D.

Courtney Lang is a strategic communications and health justice expert whose primary focus is advocacy, activism, and grassroots mobilization. She is the principal and founder of  Langco + Partners, a public affairs firm recognized for mobilizing constituencies to achieve impactful business goals aligned with equity in health care and public policy. 

Courtney is a member of the Board of Directors for Trinity Health and serves on the Integrity & Audit Committee. Additionally, Courtney serves on the Board of Directors for Mental Health America as Chair of the Anti-Racism, Equity, and Social Justice (ARES) Committee. Courtney also serves as an adjunct professor of Media Law and Leadership Communications. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Pepperdine University, earned a Juris Doctor degree from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, and studied Comparative Health Law and Policy at St. Anne’s College, Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

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