David P. Rivera

David P. Rivera

Dr. David P. Rivera is an associate professor and coordinator of the graduate programs in counseling at Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY). A counseling psychologist, his research and practice are guided by critical theories and social justice frameworks and explore cultural competency development and issues impacting the marginalization and wellbeing of people of color and oppressed sexual orientation and gender identity groups, with a focus on microaggressions.  His work is published in books, journal articles, and book chapters in various areas of multicultural psychology, education, and social justice, and his latest co-edited books, the award-winning Affirming LGBTQ+ Students in Higher Education and Critical Theories for School Psychology and Counseling: A Foundation for Equity and Inclusion in School-Based Practice were released in 2022. Dr. Rivera is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association.

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