Jeanne E. Manese

Jeanne E. Manese

Jeanne E. Manese, Ph.D., received her doctoral degree from the University of Maryland, College Park. She also attained an M.Ed. from Harvard University. Dr. Manese is an independent consultant and serves as a national advisor with The Steve Fund. As an advocate-practitioner-scholar, Dr. Manese is currently focused on organizational transformation aimed at equity, diversity and inclusion through capacity building, sustainable program development, and promoting leadership development. Dr. Manese’s counseling center career has spanned over four decades including serving as the Director at the UC Irvine Counseling Center and Training Director at UC San Diego. She also worked internationally as the shipboard psychologist with the Semester at Sea program. In these roles, her passions included implementing strengths-based programs for first generation college students, community building, and clinical supervision. In 2018, Dr. Manese was bestowed the honor of Lifetime Achievement in Service from the American Psychological Association (APA) Minority Fellowship Program (MFP),. She continues in her long cherished role as a Mentor for the MFP Psychology Summer Institute. She was also honored by the Society of Counseling Psychology with the 2022 Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award. Dr. Manese is an Asian American Psychological Association Fellow, an APA Fellow in Divisions 45 and 17, and holds emerita status in the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD).

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