Equity in Mental Health on Campus (EMHC) Initiative

Equity in Mental Health Framework (EMHF)

The Equity in Mental Health Framework (EMHF) was designed to address the inequities in mental health and the disparities faced by students of color. It is the result of a partnership between the Steve Fund and the JED Foundation focused on addressing the mental health and emotional well-being needs among college and university students of color. The Framework provides Institutions with recommendations and implementation strategies to help inform, support and strengthen the mental health of their students.

Campus-specific Needs Assessment
Campus-specific Needs Assessment

Participating campuses benefit from a campus-specific Needs Assessment Report, which includes targeted recommendations. The report addresses multiple facets of campus life such as:

  • Racial climate assessment
  • Policy refinement
  • Enhancement of programs and support services

The intention is clear: craft a more nurturing and responsive environment conducive to the mental health of students of color.

Campus Coaches

Participating institutions are assigned a Steve Fund coach with expertise in mental health, higher education, and emotional well-being of students of color. Coaches are well-equipped to support campuses adopting a racial-trauma informed lens. They will work closely with campuses to ensure progress in the planning, campus action, and evaluation phases. Additionally, coaches provide support in understanding and implementing the recommendations from the needs assessment report.

Cohort Collaboration
Cohort Collaboration

By joining EMHC, colleges and universities become part of an active and engaging cohort. This community convenes regularly, fostering a collaborative environment where members:

  • Share and expand their collective knowledge
  • Innovate with creativity and cultural sensitivity
  • Participate in professional development by the Steve Fund Mental Health experts

Research-based Approach

Our methods are rooted in equity-centered research and the highest standard of best practices. We strive to consistently align student experiences with the prevailing racial climate, ensuring a deeply contextual approach to mental health advocacy.

Making an Impact

With over 50 institutions already part of this transformative journey, EMHC has created a growing legacy of positive change. We invite you to join a cohort and play a pivotal role in making a substantial, tangible difference within your campus community. Please email emhc@stevefund.org to set up an informational session.

Take the Next Step!

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