Our safe space for soul care
My Digital Sanctuary

You are not alone

As young people of color, we need a space just for us. When we’re stressed by school, work and social injustice, we can pause to care for ourselves emotionally, spiritually and physically. Together, we can find the help, hope and healing we need to thrive.


Free your mind, body, and spirit
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Connect with yourself and others
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Stories that inspire taking action
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Bring what’s inside outside
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Got two minutes? Your feedback will help us improve our resources so we can support you — and reach many more people. 

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In Crisis?

Text STEVE to 741741.

Are you feeling stressed, depressed, or anxious? Please text STEVE to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7. You can also call 988 to speak with a counselor now.

Learn More

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