Creativity empowers healing and social change.

How do the arts support your well-being?

Your creativity can be a guide for expressing yourself, supporting your mental health, and working through challenges. The arts show us that we don’t have to accept the world as it is. You can use your creative gifts to process feelings about your life today and to imagine a healthier, more just world. 

Click the themes below to get started.

Blog post: Creativity Is a Tool for Raising and Maintaining Hope

Creativity and the arts can support your emotional well-being and resilience — and help you express who you are and what you’re going through. But how do you get started? Let’s talk about it!

Hope & Creativity Tool Kit

Watch this video and try a creative goal setting exercise to explore ways to express yourself and support your mental health. Explore your ideal medium and the approach that works for you. 

Explore and share these resources to nurture hope, creativity and emotional well-being.

Tool Kit: Hope & Creativity

Research shows that hope can empower us to set goals, identify pathways, and take action in ways that shape our lives and support our mental health. Hope is so much more than just wishful thinking. Hope can guide our steps as we build resilience and find healing.

Sharing Hope & Creativity

Write your own social post about the power of hope can creativity. Grab this image and share it with your own creative expression.

Help Improve MDS!

Got two minutes? Your feedback will help us improve our resources so we can support you — and reach many more people. 

Take our Snap Survey now!

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In Crisis?

Text STEVE to 741741.

Are you feeling stressed, depressed, or anxious? Please text STEVE to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7. You can also call 988 to speak with a counselor now.

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Free your mind, body, and spirit
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Connect with yourself and others
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Stories that inspire taking action
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Bring what’s inside outside
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