Our stories inspire hope and healing

Your story matters. Will you share it?

Telling your story is empowering! Sharing your experiences can help you clarify your thoughts and process your journey. Your story is part of a rich legacy of experience that has uplifted our communities. We’d love to hear your story!  

Click the themes below to get started.

Blog post: How Your Story Can Help You Find Hope and Healing

Your life experiences and stories are bridges connecting you to your past, present, and future self. When you share your story, you invite others to witness your experience and truth. Here are three steps to help tell your story and tap into the power of who you are. 

Hope & Motivation Tool Kit

Meditate of how you can cultivate hope and find motivation with this video and creative exercise.

Your story maters — and sharing it does too! Stories have always held a unique place in our communities. Here are seven thought starters to help you write and share your story.

Blog post: How Your Story Can Help You Find Hope and Healing

Research shows that hope can empower us to set goals, identify pathways, and take action in ways that shape our lives and support our mental health. Hope is so much more than just wishful thinking. Hope can guide our steps as we build resilience and find healing.

Share Your Story of Hope

Your story matters — and you can share it with us here at MDS and on social! Grab this image and share it with your own story of hope!

Help Improve MDS!

Got two minutes? Your feedback will help us improve our resources so we can support you — and reach many more people. 

Take our Snap Survey now!

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In Crisis?

Text STEVE to 741741.

Are you feeling stressed, depressed, or anxious? Please text STEVE to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7. You can also call 988 to speak with a counselor now.

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Free your mind, body, and spirit
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Connect with yourself and others
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Stories that inspire taking action
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Bring what’s inside outside
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