Higher Education Consulting Services

Our Consulting Services

Our engagements vary from keynote speaking and tailored workshops and seminars to program development, sustained advisory services, and capacity support.

Our expert mental health consultants will guide your campus leaders through a structured needs assessment to determine areas of strength and needed improvement to support the mental health and belonging of students of color. This engagement is rooted in the Steve Fund’s signature Equity in Mental Health Framework.
Our expert consultants offer campus counseling center directors and other higher education leaders strategic guidance to better grow equitable services and programming and to help provide senior-level perspective when supporting student belonging.
Our consultants are racially and culturally diverse national experts in the fields of psychology; psychiatry; diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging; communications; research; and college counseling. Book one for your next board meeting, faculty meeting, administrator training, or student conference today!
Engage your leaders on critical issues related to mental health and student belonging. Our mental health expert consultants craft strategic retreats aligned with your goals, focusing participants on mental health themes facing students of color on today’s campuses and building strategies that will lead to the transformation of campus environments.
Our expert consultants will help you curate a series of programs and engagements that lead to measurable and sustainable change in how professionals and/or students perceive your campus climate. Deliverables will be tailored to client needs.
As our society grows more aware of the mental health realities of young people, campuses will continue to be spaces where students and their families expect services to support student belonging, especially for students of color. Our mental health and wellness programs are often tied to awareness months and can support all student wellness.
The Steve Fund’s customized workshops and seminars are tailored for your audience (students, faculty, staff, senior leadership, boards of trustees) and on the subject of your choosing. They may be either virtual or in person. Past topics have included cultivating student belonging and building resilience, understanding stigma and racial trauma as stressors, and identifying strategies to cope with stress.

Who We Are

Our mental health consultants are racially and culturally diverse national experts in the fields of psychology; psychiatry; diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging; communications; research; and college counseling. 

David P. Rivera

Associate Professor of Counselor Education

Dr. David P. Rivera is an associate professor and coordinator of the graduate programs in counseling at Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY). A counseling psychologist, his research and practice are guided by critical theories and social justice frameworks and explore cultural competency development and issues impacting the marginalization and wellbeing of people of color and oppressed sexual orientation and gender identity groups, with a focus on microaggressions.  His work is published in books, journal articles, and book chapters in various areas of multicultural psychology, education, and social justice, and his latest co-edited books, the award-winning Affirming LGBTQ+ Students in Higher Education and Critical Theories for School Psychology and Counseling: A Foundation for Equity and Inclusion in School-Based Practice were released in 2022. Dr. Rivera is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association.

David P. Rivera

Associate Professor of Counselor Education
Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY)

Jan Collins-Eaglin
PhD, Ed.S, MA


Jan Collins-Eaglin is a psychologist who studies collegiate mental health issues and depression among African American women. Before her recent retirement, she was the Associate Dean of Students for Wellness and Personal Success at Pomona College. Previously, she was the Director of the Michigan State University Counseling Center, and Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Support Services – which includes Counseling and Psychological Services, Disability Services, and the Academic Success Center at Wayne State University. As a practicing psychologist in Michigan her focus was in the area of developing programs that promote psychological wellness and supports academic success. She completed PhD, Ed.S, and MA degrees in the Combined Program of Education and Psychology at the University of Michigan. She is active nationally in professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association. She was chair of the Section for College and University Counseling Center in Division 17 and contributed to a national report about college student mental health. She served on the accreditation board of the International Association of Counseling Centers. 

Jan Collins-Eaglin
PhD, Ed.S, MA

The Steve Fund

Jeanne E. Manese
Ph.D., M.Ed.


Jeanne E. Manese, Ph.D., received her doctoral degree from the University of Maryland, College Park. She also attained an M.Ed. from Harvard University. Dr. Manese is an independent consultant and serves as a national advisor with The Steve Fund. As an advocate-practitioner-scholar, Dr. Manese is currently focused on organizational transformation aimed at equity, diversity and inclusion through capacity building, sustainable program development, and promoting leadership development. Dr. Manese’s counseling center career has spanned over four decades including serving as the Director at the UC Irvine Counseling Center and Training Director at UC San Diego. She also worked internationally as the shipboard psychologist with the Semester at Sea program. In these roles, her passions included implementing strengths-based programs for first generation college students, community building, and clinical supervision. In 2018, Dr. Manese was bestowed the honor of Lifetime Achievement in Service from the American Psychological Association (APA) Minority Fellowship Program (MFP),. She continues in her long cherished role as a Mentor for the MFP Psychology Summer Institute. She was also honored by the Society of Counseling Psychology with the 2022 Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award. Dr. Manese is an Asian American Psychological Association Fellow, an APA Fellow in Divisions 45 and 17, and holds emerita status in the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD).

Jeanne E. Manese
Ph.D., M.Ed.

The Steve Fund
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