News About the Steve Fund

Steve Fund
06 Feb 2023
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychosocial status of youth of color is highlighted in several recent national reports, along with recommendations for actions. 
Theron McInnis
05 Sep 2023
The recent tragic shooting incident at the University of North Carolina (UNC) has deeply shaken not only the campus community but also people of color across the nation. Acts of violence can have far-reaching psychological consequences, especially for marginalized communities that have faced historical and systemic injustices. At the Steve Fund, we are committed to offering guidance and resources to help people of color affected by this tragedy navigate their emotions, find a sense of belonging, and embark on a healing journey.
Grief and Loss
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
21 Aug 2023
NEW YORK—The Steve Fund (TSF), the nation’s leading nonprofit organization supporting the mental health and well-being of young people of color, today announced that David R. McGhee is the organization’s incoming Chief Executive Officer. McGhee brings decades of leadership in nonprofit, philanthropic and government sectors to his new role.
Theron McInnis
18 Aug 2023
Wildfires are physical disasters and emotional events that can trigger various responses. The fear and uncertainty associated with the rapidly changing situation can lead to feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and stress. The destruction of homes, landscapes, and cherished memories can evoke grief and sadness. Moreover, losing a sense of safety and control can further exacerbate emotional distress.
Grief and Loss
Steve Fund
29 Jun 2023
The Steve Fund understands that today’s ruling may have significant mental health implications for many individuals, particularly young people of color. It may also affect the emotional well-being of faculty and staff in higher education settings.  During such challenging times, it becomes crucial to highlight the vital work and dedication of organizations like the Steve Fund.
Steve Fund
17 May 2023
NEW YORK—The Steve Fund (TSF), the nation's leading nonprofit organization supporting the mental health and well-being of young people of color, today announced they are the recipient of a $600K grant from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation (JKCF), the foundation dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial needs.
Steve Fund
23 Feb 2023
In an ongoing effort to support students of color and help them reach their full potential, the Steve Fund, a nonprofit organization that exists to promote the mental health and emotional wellbeing of young people of color, has developed a suite of programming explicitly designed to address the unique needs of America’s HBCUs. This HBCU Initiative builds on the Steve Fund’s mental health and higher education expertise and mobilizes partnerships with academic institutions, nonprofits, and corporate citizens to:
Steve Fund
25 Jan 2022
Find recommendations for colleges and universities to better support their Asian American college student community in light of increasing reports of anti-Asian hate crimes. The recommendations include elevating the cultural competence of the university, conducting ongoing evaluations of AAPI student needs, and providing physical and educational spaces for AAPI students. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the diverse experiences and identities within the AAPI community, as well as the need for institutional changes to promote mental health and well-being. The goal is to create a campus culture that prioritizes mental health and supports the holistic needs of AAPI students.
Steve Fund
24 Jan 2022
There was a disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people of color, particularly in terms of their mental health. A survey conducted by the Morgan Stanley Alliance on Children's Mental Health reveals higher levels of social anxiety and concerns about coping with trauma among Black and Hispanic teens compared to their white counterparts. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy has issued a national advisory, emphasizing the mental health crisis faced by young people, especially those from marginalized communities. The Steve Fund, an organization dedicated to supporting the mental wellbeing of young people of color, aligns with the Surgeon General's recommendations and implements various programs and initiatives to address the mental health needs of this population.
Steve Fund
02 Jun 2020
The Steve Fund has established a task force composed of thought leaders from various sectors to develop recommendations for addressing the mental health risks faced by students of color due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Including participants from higher education, nonprofit organizations, mental health experts, students, philanthropy, the private sector, and policymakers, the task force aims to release their recommendations later this summer. Recent surveys have indicated a significant increase in anxiety and depression among students, with adverse effects on concentration and financial well-being. The task force seeks to mitigate these risks and foster resilience in young people of color.
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