
Steve Fund
In SpeakOnIt! Podcast Episode 6,Youth Advisory Board members Kaelyn and Dannie probe the brilliant minds of Lauren Westbrook McIntosh and Dr. Michelle Maidenburg for the key to social wellness in college.
Steve Fund
How do you know you’re doing what you’re meant to do? What do you do when you wake up and realize that you want to do something else? How do you maintain a healthy relationship between work and personal life? Individuals of color from all walks of life, from studying to interning to working, may ask themselves these questions.
Steve Fund
Youth Advisory Board member Chevaughn Wellington joins Jay and Dannie to discuss the drawbacks of hypercompetitive environments. They also come up with ways to navigate these spaces successfully and with a healthy mind.
Steve Fund
Theron McInnis and Dr. Kia Darling-Hammond join us to discuss the importance of belonging and how family (blood and/or chosen) plays a vital role in this phenomenon.
Steve Fund
Youth Advisory Board members Jasmine Geyen and Jonea Ahoussoussi join us to discuss advocacy in mental health and the real world. We delve into the idea of what it means in choosing to listen and making people heard.
Steve Fund
SpeakOnIt! Hosts are joined by Rhea Bennett to share the experience of taking gap years.
Steve Fund
Jon Mirador and Jason Rose join us for a conversation on getting the most of our college years. We discuss the different ways to make the most with your education and adding our personal insights.
Sedina Ackuayi and Dr. Janice Beal join Dannie, Jay, and Kaelyn dissect success and multiple perspectives on what it means to students.
Steve Fund
Selorna Ackuayi and Dr. David Rivera provide their expertise on how to navigate and process multiple sources of expectations and stressors.
Jay Wang
Dannie, Jay, and Kaelyn are are joined by Dr. Michael Fu, and Dr. La’Tonya Reese Miles discuss ways to navigate life expectations, milestones, and how there is no one “right” way to reach your goals in life.
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The Steve Fund
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