
Steve Fund
Posted 2 years ago
1 in 5 adults are affected by depression at some point in your life. Learn how you and your loved ones can better manage depression with The Steve Fund.
Depressive Disorders
Steve Fund
Posted 1 year ago
The Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action is expected to impact how campuses engage around issues of diversity and inclusion. As the leading national organization focused on the mental health of college students of color, the Steve Fund is committed to helping campuses prepare for this ruling’s implications for mental health, emotional wellbeing, and student belonging. This multi-part series is open to higher education professionals, especially deans, vice presidents, faculty, and counselors seeking to learn more about these issues and build effective approaches to addressing them.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Steve Fund
Posted 1 year ago
Join us for a discussion of proactive strategies that promote belonging and prioritize the mental health of students of color in the post-affirmative action landscape. Explore how student organizations, sororities, fraternities, and communities of faith can serve as protective factors in preventing isolation, enhancing positive student experiences, and fostering a shared identity.
Acculturative Stress
Belonging / Isolation
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Imposter Phenomenon
Suicide Prevention
Carlota Ocampo
Posted 2 years ago
Now more than ever, there is a need to focus on campus culture, practices, resources, and programs that foster inclusive and supportive environments for all members of the college community. Explore proven and effective programs, approaches, and services that support colleges and universities in creating campuses that enhance student belonging and sustain mental health.
Acculturative Stress
Belonging / Isolation
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
First Generation
Imposter Phenomenon
Suicide Prevention
Steve Fund
Posted 2 years ago
Staying present in each moment is a powerful way to give yourself the space to balance acceptance and action. Incorporating gratitude for each breath and each moment we have can fuel the positive steps we can take each day.
Mindfulness Meditation
Physical Health
Steve Fund
Posted 2 years ago
“Know that we’re all going through struggles and there is power in vulnerability so don’t be afraid to seek the help you need.”
Steve Fund
Posted 2 years ago
“For me anxiety began to be a major issue in middle school. I didn’t know what anxiety was but I remember feeling overwhelmed in crowded areas… Then I got help. I started to implement self-care routines to help alleviate my anxiety. I learned the power of practicing gratitude, the power of self-talk and to be conscious of my diet…”
Steve Fund
Posted 2 years ago
“We think controlling our emotions is keeping it in…but actually that’s the toxic thing for us to do. It’s better to let it out. Remember what you talk about you control, but what you can’t talk about controls you.”
Steve Fund
Posted 2 years ago
“I learned anger is okay. Sadness is okay. That it’s okay not to be okay. You don’t have to feel good all the time. I learned all this through therapy. It was huge.”
Steve Fund
Posted 2 years ago
“After years of lying about who I was and not dealing with my issues and 22 suicide attempts, I finally got help and realized that you can’t deal with yesterday’s pain and bring it into today. I have to realize I only can deal with today.”
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