“Happy New Year,” my best friend’s mother greeted me over the phone just after midnight on January 1. Then, with worry in her voice, she said, “Well, we will say ‘Happy New Year’ but I’m really not sure what kind of year it’s going to be. For now, at least, we’ll try to focus on the moment and hope for the best.”
A survivor of World War II bombings in England, my friend’s mother has firsthand experience living through the horrific outcomes of political destabilization and war. As our team here at the Steve Fund wishes you a peaceful and productive 2025, we know that many of us are starting the year with echoes of the concerns my friend’s mother voiced.
How do we handle such times of uncertainty?
This may seem particularly pressing for those of us who are parents or caregivers. For some, it may be challenging to navigate the current climate as we manage our own anxieties and stress while trying to maintain normalcy and stability for our children.
This is a delicate balance. How can you model confidence in your ability to manage stressors while also modeling vulnerability and admitting when you are worried, angry, or concerned? How can you create space for your young people to express their opinions and worries — and then manage the anxiety those conversations may provoke in you? How can you start conversations and share your thoughts and concerns without projecting your worries onto them in a way that leaves them feeling less secure?
In this edition of the Family Corner Newsletter, we will be tackling some of these questions with the goal of providing you space to reflect and tools for moving forward.
Read Family Corner Articles
- Taking Care of Ourselves as Parents in Uncertain Times
- Taking Care of Our Young People in Uncertain Times