
Marcia Liu Ph.D
Posted 7 months ago
Especially for BIPOC students, including those who are working class, immigrants or children of immigrants, queer, and/or students who are the first in their families to attend college, the transition to college can be a thrilling & stressful time. Approach wellness & mental health with a preventative lens & develop a routine that offers holistic, protective care.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Justyn Smith
Posted 6 days ago
Engaging with your teen's therapist can provide unique opportunities to gain insights into challenges, progress, and opportunities. This guide is designed to help parents and caregivers prepare for meetings with therapists with questions that can facilitate meaningful conversations and enhance collaborative support for your teen's mental health and well-being.
Gina Newsome Duncan
Posted 6 days ago
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation…”. In this statement, Audrey Lorde recognizes the imperative of self-care for people of color. The statement feels more relevant today than ever before. Though the quote is often used to support carving out “me time,” Lorde's concept goes deeper and is a bold call to community care and transformation.
Gina Newsome Duncan
Posted 6 days ago
In this edition of the Family Corner newsletter we’re exploring the power of community and cultural pride. Both are protective factors we can leverage to support ourselves and our young people. Doing so is essential during times of societal instability and uncertainty. We recognize that stress levels are rising for many, and we have gathered articles and resources to help.
Steve Fund
When you notice high stress levels in yourself or others, do you feel confident in how to offer help? Studies on coping reveal that creativity can play a significant role by creating space to reflect and feel better in new or different ways. Why? Because healthy coping involves deciding how to manage emotions or engage in problem-solving about a stressful situation. Use this exercise to find your own strategies.
Steve Fund
How do you pick up on stress in your relationships — and how do you talk about stress or heightened emotions with someone you care about? Noticing and then responding to high levels of stress in someone else is a skill you can develop over time. This exercise will help you look at ways to talk about stress and emotional well-being with others
Steve Fund
Noticing the signs of high stress levels in yourself and in your relationships is an important skill. When life gets busy, you may find yourself missing common stress and well-being clues. Stressors in life are normal, but too much stress over long periods of time can impact your mental and physical health. Here are stress clues to look for and action steps you can take.
Jessica Isom
What strategies do you turn to when challenges arise in your relationships? Your creativity is an important and underappreciated tool you can use every day — both to cope with your own stress and to work through challenges you may face with others. Let’s explore some creative strategies that can support your mental health and emotional well-being.
Steve Fund
How do you talk to yourself when the going gets tough? What you say to yourself can be among the most important words you can hear. Why? Because the words you choose and the feelings behind them carry weight that can boost your sense of well-being when you need it most. This exercise will help you explore your values and create affirmations you can use every day.
Steve Fund
Like packing a suitcase for a trip, you can “pack” your brain with the essentials you need to function each day. You may learn something new or experience a moment that takes significant brainpower to process. Writing or journaling can be a powerful way to process your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in ways that benefit your mental health and well-being. Ready to try?
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