
Marcia Liu Ph.D
Posted 6 months ago
Especially for BIPOC students, including those who are working class, immigrants or children of immigrants, queer, and/or students who are the first in their families to attend college, the transition to college can be a thrilling & stressful time. Approach wellness & mental health with a preventative lens & develop a routine that offers holistic, protective care.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Gina Newsome Duncan
Posted 2 weeks ago
Parents and caregivers of young people of color can face deep uncertainty because of the instability and complexity of today’s political and societal landscape. Family support is a key protective factor that can help young people grow to reach their fullest potential in the face of risk factors. Read examples and practical strategies to support your young person.
Gina Newsome Duncan
Posted 2 weeks ago
New years, new semesters, and new beginnings can be a time for reflecting on the previous season and setting goals for the next phase of your journey. Let’s look at vision boards and other activities that can be powerful ways to use your creativity and energy to focus on your strengths, goals, and emotional well-being.
Gina Newsome Duncan
Posted 2 weeks ago
“Happy New Year,” my best friend’s mother said just after midnight on January 1. “Well,” she added with worry in her voice, “we will say ‘Happy New Year’ but I’m really not sure what kind of year it’s going to be.” Many of us may be wondering how to navigate times of uncertainty, anxiety, and stress. Let’s look at some options.
Jessica Isom
You may face relationship conflicts influenced by factors outside of your control. External pressures like racial stress, financial strain, or balancing responsibilities can shape how you see and respond to conflicts, sometimes without you realizing it. Here are some practical steps you can take to understand conflict cycles and how you can work through disagreements when they arise.
Jessica Isom
Embracing love as care, affection, responsibility, respect, commitment, and trust can provide a strong foundation for your relationships. This exercise is designed to help you reflect on your relationships when you face questions about emotional well-being, balance, and mutual support. What do you think healthy love looks like — and how can you build healthy relationship habits? Let’s look.
Jessica Isom
Have you ever struggled to communicate your needs without causing tension with someone you love? Mindful communication can help with this common challenge — and help you find a healthy balance honoring the “me,” the you,” and the “we” in your relationships. Mindfulness in your communications can help. Here’s how.
Jessica Isom
“As you navigate social and cultural stressors it can be overwhelming to ask yourself, “What’s love got to do with it?” As I reflect on my earliest experiences with love, I can see how they were influenced by systemic racism and other sociocultural factors. These forces influenced not only those who tried to love me but also my attempts to love in return. But, I made progress. Here’s how.” -Dr. Jessica Isom
Jessica Isom
How do you grow your skills within your relationships? Practicing healthy ways to give and receive love means letting go of popular misconceptions about love and moving towards love that is healthy, empowering, and nurturing. This journaling exercise will help you explore how to approach patterns within relationships and define steps to grow your skills.
Jessica Isom
Research shows that young people of color are thoughtful and informed about connecting and maintaining relationships of all kinds. This exercise is intended to support a mindful approach to understanding your internalized messages about love, the beliefs you hold about love, and the patterns that contribute to your relationships. Let’s get started!
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